Etc. Choir provides members of the BU community with the opportunity to sing in an inclusive ensemble which performs SATB works. Unique from other choral ensembles at BU, Etc. Choir was founded and led by students studying Music Education. Our goals center around teaching our members how to sing any type or genre of music Efficiently, Tastefully, and Consistently. Rehearsals will provide knowledge about choral singing and acting techniques. Etc. Choir will concentrate on performing music from a broad spectrum, including but not limited to Western and Non-Western classical, musical theater, and popular styles of music in a choral setting. A primary goal of this choir is to be inclusive to the Transgender and Queer communities who often struggle in the choral world due to the gendered nature of vocal parts. As such, vocal parts are assigned per song based on a student’s most comfortable range rather than labeling a person to only one vocal part. Etc. Choir strives to be ensemble-centered and ensures that everyone is able to participate at all times.