Vision:To some, palaeontology is an exploration of long lost worlds, of strange and mystifying creatures, for others it is about the exploration of the infinitesimal puzzle pieces that make up the tree of life, and for yet others, it is the endless hunt for fossils and other remnants that drives them. Regardless, the vision of our Palaeontology Club is to create a place where dinosaur enthusiasts and enthusiasts of other magnificent extinct animals can come together! And, along the way, we hope to create a caring and inclusive community based around a common hobby. We hope to build a community where ideas are shared freely, and knowledge is enhanced by everyone’s unique perspectives. We recognize that, to many, the draw of palaeontology is the dinosaur and the time periods where they were alive. And so, we will structure a large portion of our activities around them. But it is my hope that club members drawn in by the dinosaurs will find new and exciting aspects of palaeontology that they never knew existed!Mission:As of right now, BU has a dearth of paleontological… anything, really. In terms of classes, the few that touch on ancient life mostly revolve around the evolution of humans and archeology. Of the clubs, the closest alternative is the Geology club which has a subsection for fossils. However, true to their name, the geology club is more focused on topics of geology than the life which left behind those fossils, and with their attention thus split, rarely discussing fossils in any case. As such, we believe there to be a gap which could be filled. Personally, I have experienced this gap when moving around splash; I had been looking for a palaeontology club to explore my interest in ancient animals further, and I could not find such a club. So I tried to find an elective which satisfies my interest, only to find nothing as well. The inherent mystery of dinosaurs and other prehistoric life has been a source of fascination for many, and we believe that BU would benefit from an organization through which these people can gather, from the most fervent enthusiast to the most mild interest. Thus, it is our goal to create a place for palaeontology enthusiasts or hobbyists to gather, and a place which brings discussion beyond the rocks of fossils(no disrespect, geology club). To fulfill this ambition, our club’s mission is to serve as a platform for information sharing, community engagement, and as a vessel for group extra curricular events. Being formally recognized as a club would give us more capability than as individual students in such things as guest speakers and possibly even visiting dig sites, as that had been a thing that was available to the archeology club