The Zeta Pi chapter at Boston University began when two men, inspired by the vision of Phi Kappa Tau chapters across the country, set out to create their own chapter and a new fraternal experience beginning with the core values of distinguished leadership and the creation of men of distinction.Since the fall of 2016, when this all took place, the Zeta Pi chapter has flourished and subsequently expanded its mission. While holding true to the values of the national organization, the Zeta Pi chapter works to define what it means to be a fraternity man.While these experiences alone help develop leadership skills, our true goal is to promote ethical leadership in both our chapter and our community. In the brotherhood, our resident council is comprised of men from many different nationalities, backgrounds, and experiences. Phi Tau's style of government ensures the opinions, ideas, and views of all our brothers are thoughtfully and meaningfully considered. The democratic nature of our leadership structure lends fluidly to the inclusion of many sentiments and perspectives.Outside of the chapter, ethical leadership means taking on relevant and impactful problems. Since our founding, our brothers have worked diligently against sexual assault in our community. Rather than taking a passive stance, our brothers have addressed the issue head-on by leading sexual assault awareness and education groups such as BU’s 16K Strong. This involvement keeps our members and other BU students informed, aware, and empowered to make change. In addition to this involvement, the Zeta Pi chapter also weaves ethical leadership into community service by confronting another large issue: climate change. Our numerous events, which have included cleaning up the Charles River and services for Boston’s National Audubon Society, share an emphasis on ecological conservation. Our brotherhood has embraced the opportunity to model the way to a cleaner and more environmentally responsible future.Each semester, our chapter donates over $2500 to SeriousFun, a non-profit that offers camps to children with terminal or debilitating illnesses. To raise this money, our chapter created The Garden, a venue where Berklee bands and Allston bands can perform and collect donations for SeriousFun. The Garden allows us to raise money for our philanthropy while also creating valuable ties with other individuals and organizations outside of BU.