Boston University Prison Outreach Initiative is dedicated to serving and advocating for incarcerated individuals, both locally and nationally. The core tenets of our organization are represented by our three main activities: volunteering, fundraising, and raising awareness. Our volunteer efforts will include organizing book drives for prison libraries with Prison Book Project, virtually tutoring incarcerated folks, creating Holiday Gift Bags with Concord Prison Outreach, phone-banking to politicians and clemency boards to encourage commutation of death sentences, and becoming pen pals with incarcerated people. Our fundraising activities will raise money for those who have recently been released from prison, reputable halfway houses, and legal funds for wrongfully incarcerated folks. Our educational efforts will include documentary screenings and a book club about the prison industrial complex, procuring speakers such as Sister Helen Prejean or Bryan Stevenson to speak with us about prison reform, and raising awareness via social media about the US criminal justice system.