We exist to be the bearers of light, to radiate love, and to be a source of comfort to those who need it most. With unwavering dedication, we use the medium of handwritten letters, heartfelt artworks, and creative expressions to not only brighten our UCLA community but also extend our reach to hospital patients, individuals facing adversity, and anyone who could use a dose of kindness. The Crafted with Bruin Care Club is a hub of compassion and creativity, where members come together to make handwritten letters, notes, crafts, and art to send to patients in hospitals. Reaching out to hospitals in the greater Los Angeles area, we will share success stories and the impact of our initiative through our Instagram @Craftedwbruincare! Join us in our mission to spread love, one handwritten letter, one artwork, and one heart at a time! Follow the link to apply to become a general member. We are also accepting board member applications for the Spring as well. Email or DM us with any questions :)