Improving Dreams, Equity, Access and Success (IDEAS)
Community Service & Volunteering
Improving Dreams, Equity, Access and Success (IDEAS) is a student organization and support network for undocumented and AB 540 undocumented students, as well as their supporters at UCLA and diverse communities. We form a camaraderie of people working together, networking, sharing our day to day experiences, struggles, and success, to fulfill our personal and educational goals as undocumented individuals. We achieve our goals in three ways: 1.Disseminating information regarding pending legislation that affects undocumented students at state and federal levels through a community service project, the AB 540 Project. 2.Recruiting incoming undocumented students and retaining the enrollment of existing members by alleviating financial burden through fundraising efforts. 3.Advocating for the rights of undocumented students at the university, state, and federal levels.