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College Club Logo (Building Heroes Project at UCLA)
Building Heroes Project at UCLA
Building Heroes aims to educate the underserved community about medical emergencies. Club members will learn to lead participants through hands on skill training designed to give them the means to help control medical emergencies before EMS arrives. Club members will also help participants understand when something is a medical emergency and when they should seek help. Each site we visit will also be provided with a list of contacts for medical and psychological help within their immediate area. Besides the hands on style skills training, we will also offer free Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED certification to any participants seeking official certification. In addition to community outreach, this club also aims to collect data from the underserved community and participate in a longitudinal research study. Club members will create surveys and collect data before and after visiting sites. The study will focus on participants experience with medical emergencies, their level of preparedness, and their willingness to help. Lastly, we want to work on creating first aid kits tailored to the homeless and underserved communities. These will be handed out to all participants who complete our program. Through Building Heroes, club members will gain a deeper understanding of first aid techniques, and learn how to lead hands on discussions and lectures. In addition, they will gain important field research experience. Perhaps most rewarding, club members will be given the chance to make a difference in the underserved community by sharing life saving knowledge.
General members : Members : ###
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Contact : buildingtodaysheroes@gmail.com
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Keywords :
# Health and Wellness
# educational