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College Club Logo (ICHI Volunteer Association)
ICHI Volunteer Association
The ICHI Volunteer Association is a student-run club that serves to provide volunteers for partner non-profit organizations. Volunteers work as clinic assistants, fundraising delegates, and nutritional assistance providers. The purpose of the volunteer’s association is to create opportunities for UCLA students who wish to receive experience in a clinical setting to volunteer for partner non-profit organizations. Our goal is to establish opportunities for UCLA students to reach out to the underserved communities in Los Angeles and abroad by providing clinical and social services; where people of all backgrounds who are unable to afford medical services can have access to high-quality medical care without revealing private information. We strive to provide “Services for the Community, By the Community” in order to empower the communities we serve. We do this by recruiting members from within the communities we serve, working with organizations in the area, and asking people from within the community about their most pressing needs via surveys and interviews. We operate as a group of student volunteers and are not a business or non-profit organization.
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : ichivolunteerassoc@gmail.com
Checkbox (selected) Preferred Skills :
Keywords :
# Health and Wellness
# Service