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College Club Logo (ESPM Graduate Student Association)
ESPM Graduate Student Association
All graduate students in ESPM, Forestry, and Range Management are automatically members of the ESPM Graduate Student Association (GSA). This group serves students in both academic and non-academic affairs such as delegating members to represent the graduate students on committees and seminars, encouraging student and faculty interaction through seminars, representing student problems to the faculty and administration, sponsoring and organizing social events, and holding fundraising events such as t-shirt sales. The GSA holds meetings periodically. Students will find participation in the GSA a good way to learn about current news in the department, and to get acquainted with fellow students. Elected positions in the GSA include chair, secretary, treasurer, and representatives for each academic division in the department (Ecosystem Science, Organisms & Environment, and Society & Environment). Elected and non-elected students volunteer to coordinate social activities such as the first-year orientation camping trip, happy hour, and the annual holiday bake-off (a joint activity with ESPM and the Department of Integrative Biology).
General members : Members : 0
 /  Board members :  /  Board : 0
Contact : espm-gsa-2022-2023@googlegroups.com
Keywords :
# Graduate

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