The External Vice President is the elected student body officer charged with representing the. undergraduate student body of UCLA to all off-campus entities that affect student life at UCLA. These decision-making bodies include: * the UC Board of Regents, * the UC Office of the President (UCOP), * the California State Legislature, * the California Governor, * the U.S. Congress, * the Westwood Neighborhood Council, and * the City of Los Angeles. The External Vice President’s Office coordinates its advocacy efforts through two student government coalitions: the University of California Student Association ( and the United States Student Association ( At a district level, the Bruin Lobby Corps coordinates advocacy efforts to elected officials in and around the Los Angeles area. The office’s work is mainly centered on fee and financial aid policies, and our goal with regards to our advocacy is to ensure a University that is affordable and accessible to all. Learn more about the EVP Office and USAC at