THYRAISE, short for Thyroid Awareness, Innovation, Support, and Education, is a novel organization dedicated to increasing awareness and advocating for thyroid syndromes and cancers across Los Angeles and ultimately nationally. Central to its mission is the enhancement of patient awareness concerning the critical need for transparency with physicians about hormonal supplements. To fulfill this objective, THYRAISE has a strategic plan consisting of several key actions: First, the organization intends to collaborate with endocrinologists throughout the LA area to initiate clinical studies and surveys aimed at assessing patients' trust in their doctors, particularly regarding discussions about hormonal supplements. This initiative is designed to identify gaps in communication and foster a culture of openness and informed consent in patient care. Secondly, THYRAISE is set to develop a range of educational materials, including brochures, intended for distribution within endocrinology offices across Los Angeles. These materials are intended to educate patients on thyroid conditions, treatments, and risks of Over-The-Counter (OTC) thyroid supplements, providing them with the knowledge to engage in meaningful dialogues with their healthcare providers about the use of hormonal supplements. Lastly, THYRAISE plans to engage with policymakers and California state representatives, advocating for the enactment of legislation or directives that would enforce stricter regulations on the approval and accessibility of Over-The-Counter (OTC) thyroid supplements. Club members will also be active in the thyroidology community, attending events such as the USC Thyroid Day. Through these concerted efforts, THYRAISE aims to make a significant impact in the realm of thyroid health, focused on the causes of transparency, patient empowerment, and regulatory reform.