MissionEvery year, near the middle of spring quarter, the entire GSB community awaits with bated breath the most spectacular--nay, only--quasi-artistic performance to be put on by the business school. The annual GSB show is a long-standing tradition here at Stanford. It is entirely student-written and student-run, and consists of videos, skits, and hilarious song and dance numbers, all designed to bring a bit of humor (that's humour for the Europeans among us) and wit to an institution that, uhm, can use it!Use the GSB Show as a forum to exact your own personal revenge on, or to celebrate, your D&D professor or that overeager guy in the front row who had to be carried away for a dislocated shoulder caused by hand-raising enthusiasm. Or simply use the Show to exhibit all the artistic skills that have lain dormant in you throughout the year here at the GSB (and they will). People are still talking about that horror film of fall quarter "The D&D Project" and our opening song and dance number "Livin' La Vidalakis".Talent and experience are welcome AND APPRECIATED, but not at all necessary. If you're interested in writing, performing, directing or crewing the Show, or if you just want to see what it's all about, follow the sounds of uncontrolled laughter.