MissionThe GSB Wine Circle seeks to provide a foundation of knowledge and tasting experiences to further students' enjoyment and understanding of wine. The Wine Circle offers opportunities to develop closer relationships between students, faculty, and industry insiders in an informal social setting.This year there will be four focuses to the Wine Circle's events:Accessible Wine - Events for those of you who want exposure to a variety of wines. Each of these events will focus on one aspect of wine.Educational Events - A series of educational events catered for those who know nothing about wine to those who want to explore some of the subtlety that wine has to offer. Some areas that we hope to explore include: matching wine with food, the regions of France, aged wine, and fortified wine.Specialty Tastings - We will continue to bring well-known winemakers and industry representatives to campus to show their wines.Informals - We will continue to get together in groups of ten to twenty to explore particular wine themes. Planned events include tastings of Port, Champagne, Bordeaux, and the best of the new world.