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College Club Logo (SLS American Constitution Society)
SLS American Constitution Society
MissionThe American Constitution Society for Law and Policy is a national organization of law students, law professors, judges, practicing lawyers and others. We want to counter the dominant vision of American law, a narrow conservative vision that lacks appropriate regard for the ways in which the law affects people's lives. We seek to restore the fundamental principles of respect for human dignity, protection of individual rights and liberties, genuine equality, and access to justice to their rightful—and traditionally central—place in American law. We want to strengthen the intellectual underpinnings of—and the public case for—a vision of the law in which these values are paramount—on such issues as: privacy; freedom of speech; federalism; anti-discrimination and affirmative action; gay rights; a woman's right to choose; labor and consumer rights; protection of health, safety, and the environment; the death penalty; and the criminal justice system.
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# SLS (Law School)