MissionStanford Men's Squash, alongside the varsity women's team, represents Stanford in the College Squash Association as one of the league's top club programs.We play during the fall and winter quarters against both club and varsity teams across the country, including colleges like Cal, Brown, Navy, Northwestern and Notre Dame. And we travel! Many of our matches take place over weekend trips to places like New York, Boston and New Haven. We also host a West Coast tournament at our home courts in February, and wrap up each season at the National Championships, which take place at Harvard, Yale, or Trinity College.But most of all, we get together to practice and play. In between trips we run regular practices at our courts — where we share in the coaching, facilities and community of the varsity women's team — and hold socials, kickbacks and watch parties. We welcome anyone interested, from tennis converts to total beginners to lifelong players.