MissionThe mission of the Stanford University Postdoctoral Association is to enrich the Postdoctoral experience at Stanford, to enable Postdoctoral Scholars to explore opportunities, and to empower Postdoctoral Scholars to become leaders in areas of their choice.The Council represents and advocates for the best interests of all Stanford Postdoctoral Scholars. Primary goals of the Council include the following:1. To develop social and networking opportunities for Postdoctoral Scholars from all disciplines, in the interest of fostering a community of postdocs at Stanford.2. To promote inclusion and representation of all postdoctoral fellows and advocate for a postdoctoral community that better reflects the diversity that is crucial for research and other progress.3. To work with University Administration to optimize the postdoctoral experience.4. To strive for the professional enrichment and development of Postdoctoral Scholars.5. To ensure that postdoctoral benefits and salaries are commensurate with the NIHsalary scale and the high cost of living in the Bay Area.6. To clearly define and communicate the Postdoctoral Scholar status at an institutionallevel.The members of the Council will act as a liaison to the postdoctoral population at large andrepresent the interests of Postdoctoral Scholars to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and to Stanford University by representing Postdoctoral Scholars on University committees and governing bodies.