MissionThe Design Kids is a co-ed, student-run design studio. We provide design services to student organizations, departments, and the administration at Stanford in an effort to facilitate portfolio development through real-world design projects as well as nurture community amongst students with a passion for design.Initiatives:1) Nurture a tight-knit co-ed design community at Stanford + bring together the design UG and graduate communities2) Increase the presence of design on Stanford’s campus3) Facilitate student growth through portfolio-building projects4) Establish long-term design partnerships with student organizations, departments, and administrators on campus5) Attract students beyond the conventions of a traditional design major and nurture collaboration between design majors and student studying other disciplines (ex: CSRE, HumBio, FemGen, AAAS, and AAS)6) Build a design directory on campus to connect students to employers, students to students, and students to faculty/on-campus design opportunities7) Host events such as a speaker series, a design forum/conference, and/or an annual makeathon at the d.school8) At the end of each academic year, hosting a Year in Review celebration to celebrate our design work that year and pass out our Studio Yearbook, a zine featuring all our design work completed within that year.