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College Club Logo (BioSci International Student Association at UCI - BISA)
BioSci International Student Association at UCI - BISA
Career Development & Networking
According to the research done by UC Irvine Office of Institutional Research, it is evident that recently, more and more high-school graduates consider UCI as their first choice. Among these graduates, a large amount of them is actually from oversea. "Over 3,000 international students and scholars and about 500 international spouses and children, representing about 80 countries. The top three countries represented at UCI are China, South Korea and India.", as indicated by UCI Student Life and Leadership. However, hardly does a school organization exist here at UCI to support all the Bio Sci international students. Further, as newcomers, it is already difficult enough for international students to fit themselves into a new culture, let alone to ask them to succeed academically or even professionally. It is also due to the fact that not much accessible resources and opportunities are out there for them to take advantage of. This is why we are so eager to create BISA, BioSci International Student Association, aiming to assist Bio Sci international students to better prepare for future in terms of academics and careers, and most importantly, to motivate them to chase their dreams. Although BISA is found primarily to help international students majoring in BioSci, we welcome all UCI students to join. This club will be run through implementing a series of events. These events include, but not limited to BioSci-pertinent workshops; seniors' panelist; alumni homecoming; faculty guest speakers and so forth. Additionally, we will utilize different types of social media platforms to keep them updated about some relevant resources and information in the future.
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# Career and Professional
# Academics and Honors