Mission The graduate program offers broad training in sociology, with several areas of concentrated expertise: education; family, life course, and sexualities; global inequality and change; immigration; population; organizations, occupations, and labor; social inequality: race/ethnicity, gender, and class/stratification; social movements and political sociology; social networks; organizations, occupations, and labor; and the study of democracy. We are committed to theoretically informed and empirically grounded scholarship. We welcome multidisciplinary pursuits, forging links with other units on the campus and beyond. We also embrace a broad range of methods – including ethnography, experiments, formal modeling, historical-comparative analysis, and surveys – to pursue answers to questions of substantive and theoretical importance. The program offers both MA and PhD degrees, although the latter is emphasized.
Resources for graduate students extend well beyond the department. UCI's nationally-recognized program in Criminology, Law, and Society offers opportunities for study in these areas, and members of the department have close ties with the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences; the Center for the Study of Democracy; Center for Organizational Research; the Center in Global Peace and Conflict Studies; the Center in Demographic and Social Analysis; the Center in Law, Society, and Culture; and the Center for Immigration, Population, and Public Policy. All provide interested students with additional research communities and opportunities. Students have taken courses with faculty in these programs and from faculty with related interests in other social science fields, including anthropology and political science.
By design and disposition, our faculty is committed to working collaboratively with graduate students. Our graduate program is constructed to help students move from being consumers of research to being producers of important, and published, work. In addition to numerous opportunities for collaboration with faculty members, students must, by the end of their second year, produce independent research targeted for journal publication. Students who take advantage of these opportunities have good success in finding professional employment. Recent graduates have accepted tenure-track positions at both small colleges and major research universities, including University of California-Los Angeles, Tulane University, the University of Washington, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and the University of California-Riverside. Current graduate students have won external research funding and published a wide array of journal articles and book chapters. Given the department's ongoing growth and enhanced national visibility, we are confident our students will continue to do well on the job market.