Mission The Jazz Co-lab Club at University of California, Irvine (UCI) is dedicated to cultivating a vibrant and inclusive community of dancers and musicians from all majors. Our mission is to foster the art of improvisational jazz dance, nurturing creativity, and igniting the joy of movement among our members. With the dedication and passion of our team, the club envisions becoming a prominent force for artistic expression, creativity, and community engagement within UCI. Our aspiration is to both inspire and be inspired, creating a legacy of rhythm, movement, and unity that transcends boundaries and enriches the lives of all who embark on this dance journey.
Together, we dance to the symphony of spontaneity, forging bonds and moving harmoniously towards a future where the echoes of improvisational jazz music resonate through generations. While the concept of live music paired with live dance is as ancient as time itself, the notion of "jazz" took root in the nourishing embrace of the African diaspora. This communal evolution found its initial resonance in the vibrant spaces of New Orleans and Harlem during the 1920s, embodied by the likes of Whitey's Lindy Hoppers and Chick Webb's Orchestra.