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College Club Logo (Home of Students Christian Fellowship)
Home of Students Christian Fellowship
Spiritual & Religious
Welcome to Home of Students (HOS)! We are a Mandarin-speaking Christian student organization that has been a home away from home for thousands of students in the past fifteen years. Every week, we organize fun and meaningful activities to make new friends, share our lives together, and learn about Jesus. We invite you to join us and make HOS your home at Berkeley :)

We meet weekly on:

1) Friday Fellowship @ 2601 Durant Ave (6:15-9pm)

2) Sunday Worship Service @ 2715 Prince Street (11am-12:30pm or 5-7pm)

Upcoming events:

1) 8/25/2023 开学迎新盛典:欢迎大家邀请朋友一起来喔! 6:15pm在2601 Durant. Ave. 开始提供免费晚餐。期待见到大家!

2) 8/26/2023 9am 灣區網紅景點打卡:让我们这週六一起去游览“大地的尽头”-位于旧金山西北角的Lands End。这里西倚太平洋,北望金门海峡,拥有绝佳的美景。不仅可以观海,欣赏金门大桥,还可以参观海水浴场Sutro Baths的旧址,石头迷宫(Lands End Labyrinth)等著名景点。Lands End游览结束后,我们会去源于加州的著名快餐连锁店In-N-Out Burger品尝那里的平价美食-新鲜土豆现切现炸的薯条,新鲜(非冷冻)牛肉饼做的汉堡。大家一起来享受新学期的第一个周末!想参加的同学请在8/25晚上聚会后报名参加。我们会为大家安排车辆一同出发!

3) 8/27/2023 11am-12:30pm 或 5pm-7pm 主日崇拜特别邀请 @ 2715 Prince Street

4) 9/1/2023 6:15pm-9:00pm @ 2601 Durant Ave. 开学迎新活动 II

5) 9/2/2023 11:00am @Lafayette Dam 郊游野餐
General members : Members : 0
 /  Board members :  /  Board : 0
Contact : hosfellowship@gmail.com
Keywords :
# China

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