Mission The purpose of this organization is to provide a place for any and all students at UCI to learn more about and interact with indigenous Pacific Island cultures. Our purpose is to increase Pacific Islander advocacy and visibility on campus at UCI, and create opportunities for Pacific Islander culture and intentions to be understood at UCI. The audience is most likely Pacific Islander students, however as per non-discriminatory guidelines at UCI any and all students are welcome and even encouraged to come learn about Pacific Islanders and our culture first-hand. This organization aims to address historic underrepresentation and isolation of Pacific Island students by giving them a place to meet each other as well as an advocate to make them more visible. This organization does not claim to be the sole representative of Pacific Island students, and not invalidate existing student organizations organized by Hawaiian or Filipinx students; rather Pasifika Student Union seeks to more broadly encourage students of all Pacific Island backgrounds to learn about each other and give non-Pacific Islander students an opportunity to learn about Pacific Islanders of all backgrounds.