MissionDIY ILLINI serves to provide an open community for U of I students to discuss Do-It-Yourself (DIY) desktop design. We are providing a Peer-to-Peer platform for students who are interested in building Customized DIY ILLINI Computers (PC). This platform is to provide solutions (including consultation, recommendation, and tutoring) for 1) students who want to learn PC building skills and build Customized PCs themselves and 2) students who have PC building experiences and would like to help build for others.DIY ILLINI is in search of incredible design, high quality build, and supreme budget management. We are dedicated to informing every student in the U of I about Customized PC builds to fight information asymmetry: let students have higher quality and fit PC components and save unnecessary cost. With the community we are building, we are aiming at utility maximization given any amount of budget.