MissionThe mission of GradSWE is to promote diversity in graduate education in engineering and science to enable innovative and creative solutions to the future technical challenges of society.Membership BenefitsGradSWE is a support community and advocate for graduate women in engineering and for undergraduate women interested in pursing graduate studies in engineering. We encourage women to pursue graduate school, support them throughout their graduate education, and help prepare them for their future careers after they complete their degree. GradSWE provides events that cater to the needs of graduate students and undergraduate students interested in pursuing graduate school, some of which are listed below:Graduate professional and academic development workshops:The backbone of GradSWE is to support the professional and academic development of graduate students at the University of Illinois. Our workshop topics address the issues facing graduate including:- Effective presentations and public speaking- Funding options for graduate education- Resume writing- Career paths for graduate degrees- Individualized career planning- Health and wellnessGraduate social events:All members of GradSWE know that networking and social interaction is an important and fun part of grad school! GradSWE members are encouraged to bring their friends and family to our social events, like weekend BBQs, potlucks and the Barn Dance with SWE!Undergraduate academic development workshops:GradSWE stays connected to the undergraduate SWE section by organizing academic development events and a mentoring program for undergraduate students. We encourage undergraduate women to consider graduate school through events like the Why Grad School Panel, Undergrad Decision Making Panel, and the Advanced Degrees Workshop.