MissionThe purpose of Hip-Notic Dance Team is to provide an outlet for UIUC studentperformers to be versatile in dance. We express ourselves through different styles ofdance including, but not limited to: hip-hop, jazz, house, and reggae. The purpose ofHip-Notic Dance Team is to give dancers who attend the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign or Parkland College a chance to dance, perform, and improve their skills asdancers.Hip-Notic Dance Team is a talented, committed group of dancers focused on upliftingthe UIUC campus through visual expression. Hip-Notic is a positive organization of theUniversity of Illinois. The team increases athletic ability while increasing self-esteem,building creativity and learning to work as a team. As we expand as a team, we willsupport the community through volunteer work and community service activities