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College Club Logo (Knights of Columbus Council #2782)
Knights of Columbus Council #2782
MissionThe purposes for which said corporation is formed, alwaysconsistent with Catholic values and doctrine, are the following: (a)through a system of subordinate councils, along with regional, national, and international convocations, to raise up, support and encourage a fraternity whose members are practical Catholics united bytheir faith and by the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism; (b) through common worship, charitable works, meetings, andrites of initiation, to form its members in Catholic faith and virtue; (c) torender pecuniary aid to its members, their families, and beneficiariesof members and their families; (d) to render mutual aid and assistanceto its sick, disabled, and needy members and their families; (e) to promote social and intellectual interaction among its members and theirfamilies; (f) to promote and conduct educational, charitable, religious,social welfare, war relief, public relief, and other activities; and (g) tounite members in their Catholic identity and the practice of theirCatholic faith. To more effectively carry out its purposes, said corporation may establish, accumulate, and maintain a reserve fund orother funds in such manner and in such amount as it may determine.
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# Orange Student Organization - Community Service & Philanthropy
# Religion & Spirituality
# Faith