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College Club Logo (National Association of Black Journalists)
National Association of Black Journalists
MissionThe purpose of the NABJ-UIUC shall be to bring abouta union of local Black journalists dedicated to truth and excellencein the news, and full equality in the industry in order:(a) To expand and balance the media’s coverage of the Blackcommunity and Black experience.(b) To encourage students to identify careers in journalism. (c) Tostrengthen the ties between Blacks who work in majority-ownedmedia and Blacks who work in the Black-owned media. (d) Tosensitize the majority-owned media to racism. (e) To awardscholarships and internships to Black students. (f) To be anexemplary group of professionals that honors excellence andoutstanding achievement among Black journalists. (g) To workwith high schools to identify potential Black journalists. (h) Tochronicle the history of Black journalists.Section 2. NABJ-UIUC may, after approval of a majority of itsmembers, take positions or act on issues of social or professionalconcern.
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# Orange Student Organization