National Band Association, UIUC Collegiate Chapter
MissionThe chapter also seeks to, when applicable, further the purposes of National NBA, as detailedbelow:1. TO PROMOTE the excellence of band performance throughout the world.2. TO ENCOURAGE the composition and performance of quality band music at alllevels.3. TO ASSIST directors at all levels of experience to identify areas of mutual concern.4. TO PROMOTE pride and continued enthusiasm among band directors.5. TO ENCOURAGE quality students to pursue careers in music.6. TO PROMOTE a spirit of cooperation and continued dialogue among directors,performers, the music industry, and all other band support organizations at all levels.The purpose of National NBA shall be to promote band music educational programs through theparticipation of the public in bands and band music; to promote band educational and trainingprograms at schools and colleges throughout the United States and internationally by providing2educational services and publications for participants in these programs; to arrange musicalperformances and educational clinics; when appropriate, to charge admission to activities for thepurpose of defraying expenses of the corporation and to aid in the accomplishment of NBApurposes; and to perform such other acts that may be necessary, appropriate, and lawful.