Mission The amateur radio club provides access to our club radio station (W6RFU) for any licensed amateur (ham) radio operator. Assistance is available to help obtain a license, to learn to operate the equipment, and learn protocols for making contact with other stations. We offer opportunities frequently to participate in contests where many can take shifts to operate. We also schedule occasional meetings with subjects of general interest. UCSB has hosted this call sign as a club call since 1940 making us one of if not the oldest campus organization. We now have an additional call sign used for radio contests: N6RA. This belonged to a community member who was very generous and helped our club to be what it is today.
Membership Benefits Provide access for students, staff, and community colleagues to a first class amateur radio station. Undergraduates are also invited to participate but would not be eligible to serve as officers. This station, with emergency power available, is a resource for communication in case of disasters.