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College Club Logo (Collegiate Chapter of SAE International at the University of California, Santa Barbara)
Collegiate Chapter of SAE International at the University of California, Santa Barbara
The mission of this organization is to provide its members opportunities to gain broader insight into the engineering profession by sponsoring meetings which will bring practicing engineers to the campus, arranging field trips to research and engineering establishments, sponsoring student projects of engineering interest, and participating in local SAE Section activities. It shall also be the purpose of this organization to encourage good fellowship among engineering students and their teachers.

Membership Benefits
Students who hold a valid, unexpired SAE Student Membership may join this organization and enjoy voting privileges in UCSBSAE. Faculty and staff members who hold a valid, unexpired SAE Membership may join this organization and enjoy voting privileges in UCSBSAE.

Students, faculty, and staff members who do not have a current SAE membership will be admitted as associate members and will not enjoy voting privileges.

The only difference between a full member and an associate member shall be the privilege to vote on items and in officer elections; associate members shall be entitled to actively participate in meetings and join committees and teams.
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# Environment and Sustainability
# Registered Campus Organization - Academic / Honorary
# Sports / Recreation
# Professional