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College Club Logo (Tikvah: Students for Israel)
Tikvah: Students for Israel
International & Multicultural
Tikvah: The Zionist Voice on Campus is an independent grassroots student-led organization at UC Berkeley, founded in 2007, whose mission is to promote Zionism on campus and to educate the UC Berkeley community about Israel.
Zionism is the national movement of the Jewish people – a movement that espouses the repatriation of Jews to their homeland, Eretz Israel, and promotes Jewish self-determination and sovereignty there.
We believe in the State of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state and we strongly oppose any attempt to delegitimize this fundamental right.
We are committed to being a strong pro-Israel voice on campus and to combat Antisemitism in all of its forms, including Anti-Zionism. We are committed to calling out Antisemitism on our campus wherever we see it.
We are a non-partisan organization. We do not take a stance on American politics or on a numbered state solution, although our members may have different political views and beliefs, we are all united by one goal – to defend Zionism, the Jewish right to self-determination.
General members : Members : 0
 /  Board members :  /  Board : 0
Contact : tikvahsfi@gmail.com
Keywords :
# Israel

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