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College Club Logo (Thai Students Association)
Thai Students Association
International & Multicultural
Welcome to the UC Berkeley Thai Students Association (ThaiSA)! Founded in the 90’s, ThaiSA is a cultural, professional, and social student organization at UC Berkeley. ThaiSA members are united by a common interest in Thailand, whether through a cultural, academic, professional, and/or social perspective. We strive to create opportunities for cultural exchange, academic betterment, and encouraging professional networking and development. Through our events we serve as an active resource to those seeking to immerse themselves in Thai culture and affairs. In addition, we work to maintain collaborative and cooperative relationships between other cultural organizations on campus as well as establishing and fostering intercollegiate ties with other Thai student organizations and communities across the United States. ThaiSA is open to everyone and we would love to hear from you and see you at our events!

As a cultural and professional club, our purposes and goals are:

To unite and act as an active resource for people who are interested in Thailand as well as Thai culture and affairs.
To encourage closer ties and greater exchanges between the campus community and Thailand.
To provide forums of free discussion and promote greater understanding about the cultural, political, and social affairs of Thailand among the campus and local communities.
To maintain an active professional network between current members and UC Berkeley alumni in Thailand.
To provide networking opportunities with Thailand-based companies.
To establish positive connections between ThaiSA and other cultural/professional organizations in the Berkeley campus.
To establish cooperative relationships with other Thai organizations across the United States, notably by maintaining intercollegiate ties with other Thai student organizations.
To participate in community service and/or fundraising that will help communities around the Bay Area and in Thailand.
To act as a support network for students from Thailand in their transition from Thailand to Berkeley and the United States.
General members : Members : 0
 /  Board members :  /  Board : 0
Contact : finpimnara@berkeley.edu
Keywords :
# Thailand

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