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College Club Logo (The Pad Project: USC Chapter (FreePadsUSC))
The Pad Project: USC Chapter (FreePadsUSC)
The Pad Project’s mission is to create and cultivate local and global partnerships to end period stigma and to empower women and all menstruators worldwide.

Membership Benefits
This is the USC Chapter of the The Pad Project Ambassador Program, which is designed to unite a community of passionate individuals who are ready to break the stigma surrounding menstruation and turn their passion for equity into action. The Ambassador Program fosters a way for new and life-long menstrual equity advocates to come together to learn about period poverty, develop leadership skills, and form new friendships. Over the last year, ambassadors have run educational panels with our NGO partners, conducted product drives for local shelters, advocated for period-positive policies before state legislatures, hosted documentary film screenings in their communities, and created works of art to honor the menstrual equity movement.
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# Political
# Social Awareness
# Service
# Recognized Student Organization (RSO) - Health & Wellness