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College Club Logo (Students for Life at Berkeley)
Students for Life at Berkeley
Students for Life at Berkeley: Mission Statement
As UC Berkeley’s pro-life student group, Students for Life (BSL) recognizes the inherent and inviolable dignity of human life, from that of the unborn to that of the aged and terminally ill. We are dedicated to working within our campus and local community to put an end to abortion, embryonic stem cell research, and euthanasia.
Since BSL is based at a prestigious educational institution, we see the need to educate our community about the truths surrounding offenses against human life. To that end, we facilitate and engage in intellectual discussion on relevant issues, challenging widely held relativist assumptions on the dignity of human life, the role of individual autonomy, and society's role in protecting human life.
We seek to engage both the minds and hearts of UC Berkeley's student population as well as those of our surrounding communities in addressing these issues. We desire to change the prevailing mindset in today's society so that it might be more receptive to a culture of life that fully recognizes the dignity of every human being.
Furthermore, we aim to form leaders that will encourage the development of a more just society grounded in the recognition of the inherent and transcendent value of human life. We seek to enter our respective professions armed with the knowledge and tools needed to uphold the dignity of life in every facet of society.
Also at the heart of BSL’s mission is its commitment to community service. We believe that socioeconomic circumstances do not justify the taking of human life, and we affirm that such difficulties can be overcome. To that end, BSL provides information to assist women facing crisis pregnancies and refers them to local crisis pregnancy centers that provide women with what they need to bring new life into the world. We also volunteer at local crisis pregnancy centers to help promote their mission to encourage the cherishing and welcoming of new life into our community.
Though the focus of our outreach is primarily local, we collaborate with other pro-life organizations from across our state and nation and are united to them by virtue of our common cause. As a member of Students for Life of America (SFLA), BSL engages in the fight for life at the state and national level. As an organization that concerns itself with matters of great public relevance, BSL strives to do everything in its capacity to shape public opinion on relevant university, state, and federal policies, as well as to influence said policies, so that these might more accurately reflect our vision for a world in which every human life is valued and protected.
General members : Members : 0
 /  Board members :  /  Board : 0
Contact : berkeley4life@gmail.com

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