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College Club Logo (American Nuclear Society)
American Nuclear Society
The American Nuclear Society is a not-for-profit, international, scientific and educational organization. It was established by a group of individuals who recognized the need to unify the professional activities within the diverse fields of nuclear science and technology. December 11, 1954, marks the Society’s historic beginning at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C. ANS has since developed a multifarious membership composed of approximately 10,500 engineers, scientists, administrators, and educators representing 1,600 plus corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies. It is governed by three officers and a board of directors elected by the membership.

We, The Student Chapter

The American Nuclear Society (ANS) Student Branch at University of California Berkeley is a subsidiary of the National ANS. The main objectives of the ANS Student Branch is consistent with those of the National ANS, which is to promote the advancement of science and engineering relating to the atomic nucleus and of allied sciences and arts.We are formed and managed by a group of students interested to contribute toward the development of nuclear science and technology at the University of California through activities in which student members and faculty may participate.Most of us are students in the Nuclear Engineering Department but we welcome students from all backgrounds to join us. The only requirements we ask for is a desire to learn and an open-mind for new technology.

We organize events for the benefit of our own members as well as to promote understanding of nuclear technology on campus. The recent focus of this society has been to increase public awareness of the many benefits of nuclear technology and its place in our future. With the increasing threats of nuclear terrorism, our aim is to educate the public on the safety issues and responsibilities related to nuclear power generation as well as the peaceful use of nuclear materials in medical radiation as well as food processing industries.

Our student section has sent many students to the ANS national conferences over the years. In 2002, UC Berkeley-ANS sponsored the National Student Conference for ANS and the conference was a tremendous success in bringing together students from all over the country to present information on latest technology in the field and to foster interaction between like-minded current and future scientists.

Our Mission

The American Nuclear Society serves its members in their efforts to develop and safely apply nuclear science and technology for public benefit through knowledge exchange, professional development, and enhanced public understanding.
General members : Members : 0
 /  Board members :  /  Board : 0
Contact : president@ans.berkeley.edu

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