Book Jackets is a club for students who enjoy reading for fun! We hope to encourage students to read more, as it can be difficult to balance reading with other academic and non-academic responsibilities. We believe that reading is a fun and stress-relieving activity that can ultimately enhance concentration, focus, and open-mindedness, making it a positive addition to any student's schedule. Together, we can create an environment where students can discover new books and genres, talk openly about the impact that books have had on their lives, and meet other students that love to read! Each semester, we will pick a diverse list of books to read as a club. The books will span a variety of genres so that all members have the opportunity to read books that interest them! Although we encourage members to explore new genres, there is no pressure to read every book on the list. We will decide on a time to hold meetings as a club each semester, and use those meetings to get to know each other and discuss the books as a group! Join our Discord server using this link: