MissionMobilize for Change- Common Good mobilizes for change by addressing education inequities in our community. We parter with Georgia Works, a local homeless shelter and offer GED prep, tech literacy, and job development resources. Georgia Tech tutors also work with high school students to share educational resources and experiences.Educate Ourselves- Through hosting events with speakers who have backgrounds understanding systemic inequalities, researching and creating infographics, and distributing articles, petitions, and other resources that increase awareness in our student body about ways to play a role in social change.Get Involved- Events and meetings will be sent out via email to our member roster.Committees- We have three committees centered around (1) Social Media, Communications and Outreach (2) Finance and Treasury (3) Literacy and Curriculum Development. Applications to be a committee member open at the beginning of each semester and are usually a time commitment of 1-2 hours a week.VolunteeringLiteracy Program with Georgia Works- Through this program, Georgia Tech students are able to help men who are transitioning out of homelessness gain confidence in their literacy skills. Click here to read more about the program.Tutoring and Mentoring Atlanta HS Students- Access to tutors or college application counselors is normally limited to students with the resources to pay for additional education help, but we want to use our position as GT students to offer free 1-on-1 tutoring and college application mentorship to any HS student in the Atlanta area. Our hope is that this program will help close at least one educational resource gap in the Atlanta area. To volunteer as a tutor or mentor, please fill out this form.Membership fee: In order to help with expenses as we grow as a club, we have a voluntary membership fee of up to $15. All funds that are not allocated in our budgetary needs will be donated to the ACLU, or an organization with a similar mission (members will be notified before funds are donated). These funds are extremely helpful for planning our future as an org, so please contact cggt.treasurer@gmail.com if you are willing to contribute!Contact us- Request to join CGGT on Engage to receive our monthly newsletters and other communications!Reach out to us a commongoodgt@gmail.com with any questions!