What is the audience of your organization? Check all that apply. Undergraduate Students What is the audience of your organization? Check all that apply. Graduate Students What is the audience of your organization? Check all that apply. International Students What is the audience of your organization? Check all that apply. Transfer Students What is the average time commitment for a member of your organization? 1-2 semesters Is your organization known for any particular events, programs, activities, or other elements? CREATE-X is know for its diverse events such as Startup Spotlight (formerly known as Deep Startups), Startup Ideas, Meet Your Co-founder, Legal Buzz and I2P Showcases. Our premier events, Preview Day and Demo Day attracts hundreds of people from across campus and beyond! Does your organization collect dues? No Will your organization host meetings/events in-person, virtually, or hybrid format? In-Person Will your organization host meetings/events in-person, virtually, or hybrid format? Virtually Will your organization host meetings/events in-person, virtually, or hybrid format? Hybrid