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College Club Logo (DramaTech Theatre)
DramaTech Theatre
DramaTech is thriving theatrical laboratory at Georgia Tech that enriches the greater Atlanta community through innovative and diverse live performances. Aside from mainstage productions, DramaTech is also home to an improv comedy troupe (Let’s Try This!) and a tap dancing troupe (DramaTech Tap Troupe, also known as DT3). Both troupes perform in our black box theatre several times each semester.WHERE ARE WE?DramaTech exists at 349 Ferst Dr NW, in the same building as the Ferst Center. Our entrance faces Tech Green and the Einstein Statute. Stop by anytime to say hello! We have a doorbell you can ring, and if someone is around, they'll let you in to show you around DT!GET INVOLVEDAuditions happen at the beginning of each semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Information about Upcoming Auditions can be found on our website as well as our social medias, @gtdramatech (Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, Facebook). If you are interested in the technical side of theatre (lights, set, sound, props, costumes, or stage management), we have open Crew Calls on our website. No experience is required, and you are guaranteed to be given one of the crew positions you sign up for.IMPROV COMEDYLearn improv with our troupe, Let's Try This! Participation is optional, membership is free, and no experience is necessary! Workshops are every Monday from 7-9 PM and Saturday from 10-1 PM, and we often get food together after. On Mondays, we meet at DramaTech 5-10 minutes before workshop to walk to Skiles. Saturday workshops take place at DramaTech.For updates on newbie workshops and shows, follow us on on Instagram and Twitter, @LTTimprov. Our Facebook is called Let’s Try This! Message us on social media or email ltt@dramatech.org with questions. More info on the LTT! website.TAP DANCINGJoin the DramaTech Tap Troupe to learn fun combinations and tap skills. No experience or tap shoes necessary. Workshop times are subject to change, so be sure to join our Slack to see our meeting times.More info can be found on the DT3 page of our website or by emailing dramatechtaptroupe@dramatech.org.SLACKJoin our Slack to keep up to date on everything DramaTech has to offer! Head over to bit.ly/dt_slack, log in with your GT credentials, and request to join the "DramaTech Theatre" workspace. Once you've made it to the Slack, you'll have access to all of our meeting times, announcements, and social events, so don't slack on joining! (Note that during Week of Welcome and the first week of the semester, the Slack is private. If you request to join during this time, someone will approve your request after this private period is over!)MORE ABOUT DRAMATECHDramaTech has been housed in a variety of buildings around the Georgia Tech campus. In 1992, DramaTech moved to its current home in the Dean James E. Dull Theatre, the black box theatre of the Robert Ferst Center for the Arts. Dean of Students Emeritus James Dull and his wife, Gay Dull, are long-time supporters of DramaTech Theatre.
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Contact : info@dramatech.org
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# Grad - Student Friendly
# Arts & Media
# Recreation/Leisure