The purpose of the Global Health Club will be to serve as a think-tank and incubator of global health initiatives and dialogue on campus. Our initiatives will focus on creating greater health literacy for our members as it relates to global health, community health, and environmental health through education, public awareness campaigns, and various student support programs. Global Health Club will also facilitate conversations and dialogues with various professors whose research interests are in public policy and public health in order to gain insight into various projects addressing the healthcare needs of medically underserved communities on a global level. Additionally, we hope to host programming with various NGOs and non-profits focused on public health that have offices in Atlanta, since the city is regarded as the Public Health Capitol of the World. By exposing students to different careers and perspectives in global health, we hope to create a community of interdisciplinary students who are curious and motivated about shaping the future of global health. Finally, since Georgia Tech participated in the 2023 Emory Morningside Global Health Case Competition, the Global Health Club will help to facilitate an intramural global health case competition in order to select a team of top students to represent Georgia Tech at the 2024 Emory Morningside Global Health Case Competition next Spring.