Grace Coffee House provides students with an opportunity for friendship, direction, an authentic community, service, and a home away from home. Grace House is an Open and Affirming Christian organization, fully living into our Baptismal covenant, especially that part about: Seeking to Serve Christ in ALL Persons, Loving our Neighbor as Ourself & Striving for Justice and Peace Among ALL People, and Respecting the Dignity of EVERY Human Being. All means y'all, and all y'all are made in God's image. We are a community of queer people, people of color, and people of varying abilities, and we value and welcome people of all origins, gender identities, sexual orientations, socioeconomic standings, family statuses, abilities, and faiths. Our 3 Values:
Radical Love: We openly and vocally express the radical love of God through practicing inclusivity and hospitality and seeking justice for all. Safe Inquiry: We value open conversations, inquiry into inclusive justice, and safe conversations. Inclusive Justice: Seeking justice for all God’s creatures, especially the poor and marginalized, working actively with them and reflecting the work of god in their lives. Our goal is to make every single person feel welcome and understood as they are. We are a community of queer people, people of color, and people of varying abilities, and we value all people of all races, genders, sexualities, classes, abilities, and faiths. We seek justice for all