Mission: SMILE, also known as Spreading Messages In Love & Encouragement, is a Georgia Tech student organization dedicated to building a happier campus community. Founded in the Spring of 2020, SMILE came about in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic at a time when campus was most in need of uplifting. SMILE’s mission is to foster a more positive, connected culture in the greater Georgia Tech community. We accomplish this by organizing a wide range of initiatives and events that are reflective, encouraging, appreciative, and empathetic. Get involved: SMILE conducts membership recruitment at the beginning of each fall semester! Be sure to check into our website smilegt.com and our Instagram @smile.gatech for more updates on the recruitment process and how you can join. For any recruitment questions, please email Pranati Yadlapalli (pyadlapalli3@gatech.edu)! Applications open August 29th and close September 22nd! Link to apply here