Since 1998, the Women's Resource Center has provided a gathering place for Georgia Tech women and their allies to share experiences and find support around issues of gender equity and social justice. We offer a variety of programs and resources centered on community building, leadership, identity, and professional development. The staff of the Women's Resource Center is available to assist individual students and student groups who are developing and implementing programming that fosters a greater sense of understanding issues of gender equity and social change. Location: Flag Building (Smithgall Student Services) Suite 131 Phone Number: (404) 385-0230 Mission The Georgia Tech Women’s Resource Center advances gender equity across identities by cultivating opportunities for community building, transformative learning, and collaborative leadership among women and their allies. Vision We envision a university environment where all people share collective responsibility for gender equity and inclusion. Connect with us! WRC staff are available to individual students who want to build community with the WRC or may need support with academic, confidential, or personal matters. The best way to get involved is by engaging with WRC events, serving as a student facilitator, or collaborating with us to build a program you want to see! Be sure to check out our website,, and social media pages for more details.