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College Club Logo (Yellow Jacket Roller Derby)
Yellow Jacket Roller Derby
Yellow Jacket Roller Derby at Georgia Tech is an open gender collegiate league for people interested in learning how to play roller derby! Our mission is to provide a welcoming environment and inclusive community for members to learn to play and appreciate flat track roller derby while promoting physical strength and fitness.
Watch a Video about Yellow Jacket Roller Derby Here!
See our updated events, attend one of our info sessions, and sign up for our email list by reaching out to yjrdofficers@lists.gatech.edu (:
Do I need to know how to skate to join?
Nope! We'll teach you everything you need to know from lacing your skates, to learning how to fall (correctly) and being the best skater you can be!
What is roller derby?
Roller derby is a competitive full-body contact sport. It's played on a flat elliptical track, and players wear quad roller skates and protective padding (helmets, mouth guards, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards). We play under the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) rules. 
How do you win?
There are two positions you can play in roller derby: Blocker (defense) or jammer (offense). Five players from each team are on the track at a time. Four are blockers and one is the jammer. The jammer is designated by a star on their helmet and is the only one who can score points for the team. The jammer scores one point for each opposing player they pass. The blockers from the other team work as a defensive line to stop the jammer from passing them and scoring points. The team with most points at the end of the bout (what we call a game) wins.
How do you play?
At the start of a round, called a "jam", the jammers from each team line up behind the jam line while the blockers line up in front of it. When the whistle blows, the jammers attempt to get through all the blockers, called the "pack". While neither jammer can score points on their initial pass through the pack, the first jammer to pass every opposing blocker the second time through gets "lead" status. This means that they can end the jam at any time they want by "calling it off" (signaled by the lead jammer gesturing from their helmet to their hips repeatedly). The blockers attempt to hold the opposing jammer for as long as possible while helping their own jammer get through the pack. Each jam lasts two minutes, unless called off by the lead jammer, and a game is broken into two thirty minute segments. For more detailed info check out the news article on our Engage!
What's the risk?
Roller derby has some inherent hazards associated with it, but safety is always first. Safety gear consists of knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, a helmet, and a mouth guard. Before you are allowed to play, you must first learn (and prove you've learned) basic skating skills to ensure you won't hurt yourself or others. Don't worry, we'll teach you! There are also a lot of rules in place to make sure everyone stays safe. Penalties are issued for numerous grievances, like elbowing or tripping, and these are all to keep the game clean and reduce risk of injury.
How to Get Involved
Feel free to message us or email at yjrdofficers@lists.gatech.edu . We can add you to our email list for consistent league information straight to your inbox. We host an open enrollment period for the first month of every fall and spring semester to allow new skaters to get introduced to roller derby. There is no experience necessary, no commitment required, and we provide skates and gear on a first come first serve basis. 
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Contact : yjrdofficers@lists.gatech.edu
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Keywords :
# Grad - Student Friendly
# Recreation/Leisure
# Competitive Sports