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College Club Logo (Acacia Fraternity at the University of Texas at Austin)
Acacia Fraternity at the University of Texas at Austin
Community Service & Volunteering
The motto of Acacia is Human Service. What that means is that we encourage every member from pledge to active to try and make a difference in the community. We welcome new ideas, events, and plans whether that be helping at the food bank, raising money for charities, or hosting toy drives. We value the interests of our members and try to come together as a unified group to help make change. That said,  aside from what we do in the community, we also try and build lifelong friendships and brotherhood. Whether that be watching a football game, playing pool, or hitting up Top Golf, we put just as much into our members as we do the community. 
So if you can see yourself as a future Acacian or have any questions fill out our interest form below! 
General members : Members : ###
 /  Board members :  /  Board : ###
Contact : info@texasacacia.com
Checkbox (selected) Preferred Skills :
Keywords :
# Service and Philanthropy
# Sororities and Fraternities
# social