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College Club Logo (Calisthenics Connect)
Calisthenics Connect
Calisthenics Connect is a fitness oriented organization that promotes a healthy lifestyle through the basic principles of bodyweight training. These principles are dieting, mobility and conditioning work, and strength training. 
At its base, calisthenics is a form of strength training utilizing one's bodyweight as resistance. For most people, this would be similar to pushups, pullups, situps, and squats. However, we specialize in skill/power work, such as muscle ups, handstands, front lever, and one-arm pullups. Evenso, we will support your fitness goals and offer assistance to achieve them. 
Among these are skill, programming, and training workshops held once or twice each month. In these, we teach how to develop a training routine specific to your fitness goals and different methods to progress into more challenging skills. In addition, we host a discord server to answer training related questions and engage with other calisthenics athletes aswell.
Introduction/Flyer website: https://calisthenicsconnectatx.carrd.co/
New Member Interest Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf4q3wUhPfIWHDuGxbw2T9wZbiwCIGyYoVW3eZW1r4uIfIDXg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Discord: https://discord.gg/btKa8QK9EP
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Contact : CalisthenicsConnect.atx@gmail.com
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# Special Interest
# Recreational