The Disability Advocacy Student Coalition (DASC) is a student organization that strives to advocate for accessibility and equity at UT Austin and beyond, and to offer spaces for disability connection and conversation. People with and without disabilities are welcome! Open to graduate and undergraduate students. Sign up for our newsletter here! --- General meetings: Thursdays from 6:00pm - 7:00pm (SSB G1.104 & Zoom). Socials: Last two socials of the semester coming up in October! Join us for Open Mic Night on Tuesday, October 8th & our Halloween Social on Tuesday, October 22nd. Both are from from 6:00pm - 7:30pm in SSB 3.200K. RSVP here! Co-hosted with the UT Disability Cultural Center. COVID-Cautious Meetups: starting in mid October, time/date/format TBD. --- We strongly encourage you to fill out this short interest form if you are planning to join DASC or attend one of our events. Follow us on Instagram @utdasc for regular updates and reminders about our programming. For inquiries not related to membership, please email us directly at