Purpose: 1. Strengthen and unite Latinx student organizations on campus 2. Promote the understanding of our culture and history and how it is linked to social issues 3. Serve as the central point for the collection of ideas and concerns 4. Provide a vocal outlet for members of our community 5. Provide a space for dialogue and debate 6. Encourage communication within the Latinx community, including student organizations, faculty, staff and the Austin community 7. Offer resources and assistance to Latinx organizations in accomplishing their individual goals 8. Promote awareness of campus issues and leadership and scholarship opportunities LCA Community Meetings occur throughout the semester in WCP 1.102. So make sure to stay tuned with our social media accounts for more information! We have just started a membership program to be a part of LCA! If you are interested in learning more to become a member, keep an eye on our Instagram for further information on membership. website: https://utlatinx.wixsite.com/home