Welcome to Longhorn Gaming, the central hub for casual gaming & competitive esports at UT!We bring people together on campus to create a community at UT for gamers from all different backgrounds and skill levels. Whether you play casually or competitively, multiplayer or single player, Longhorn Gaming is the place for you!We host LANs, watch parties, compete in collegiate esports leagues, and provide opportunities for UT gamers to socialize across campus.We communicate all club announcements through our organization Discord server, linked here Discord is completely free to sign up and use. More information on membership perks can be found by clicking the #membership channel on the left sidebar of the server.If you are a current student interested in growing LG, please reach out to one of our Officers or email us at longhorngaming@utexas.edu. Interested in getting involved with LG? Join our discord and be on the lookout for our announcement about committees! LG is a Sponsored Student Organization (SSO) through University Unions, a Division of Student Affairs. Please follow us on our other socials linked below!