★ INTEREST FORM ★ The mission of Longhorn Legal Coalition (LLC) is to guide pre-law students through the discovery of law-related opportunities at the undergrad level and beyond. Through workshops, networking events, and mentorship opportunities, our members will build a strong foundation of professional skills while exploring various legal fields and industries. LLC is a space for like-minded, driven individuals to learn and grow together to reach their career goals. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Workshops At General Meetings, LLC will host various Professional Development Workshops aimed at cultivating the skills necessary to succeed in all future academic and occupational endeavors. These seminars will be tailored towards pre-law students and future legal professionals. Some of the topics that will be covered include:
Professional communication Résumé-building LinkedIn profiles Networking Job searches Cover letters Internship applications Interview preparation Accepting an offer
Mentorship We will also offer a mentorship program within LLC, where newer and more experienced members will connect in an environment that allows them to learn from each other. Mentees will be adopted by mentors with similar interests, who have advanced further in their professional pursuits and can offer perspective and advice to their mentees. Mentors will have the opportunity to advance their leadership abilities, while mentees will be in an advantageous position to learn how to succeed in their ventures. CAREER EXPLORATION Guest Panels LLC strives to create a setting where undergraduate students can discover many of the diverse career paths available to them in the field of law. We will achieve this through inviting panels of legal professionals to speak about their work and industries, including, but not limited to:
Criminal Entertainment Government Corporate Immigration Healthcare Real Estate In-House Counsel
In conjunction with professional development, LLC aims to provide access to internship opportunities in the legal field that are available to undergraduates. We will send announcements and connect students to these avenues as they arise. Professor Lunches Another unique amenity that LLC offers is Professor Lunches. We create schedules where Active Members can RSVP for time slots to sit and eat lunch with current law school professors! This will grant members insight into the law school experience and give them a chance to learn from a specialist in their industry.